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Call for nomination:




Small-scale farmers appreciate the role of journalists and communicators in advancing agroecology in Uganda and beyond. ESAFF Uganda developed the first online Agroecology school for journalists and communicators to build a network of journalists and communicators around Africa working with small-scale farmers to contribute to the continental transition to Agroecology through disseminating the correct information. This School is part of ESAFF Uganda’s actions on upscaling Agroecology in Uganda to achieve equitable and sustainable food systems per the FAO’s Scaling up Agroecology Initiative.


The Agroecology Media Awards is an innovation to acknowledge and celebrate outstanding journalism that covers Agroecology and related agroecological topics accurately, comprehensively, and ethically, thus encouraging high-quality reporting based on accurate and compelling information. Media plays an important role in informing, engaging, and activating individuals and groups to take part in practices and processes to protect our food systems.


Award Categories


For the first edition of the Agroecology Media Awards, ESAFF Uganda, through the Agroecology School for Journalists and Communicators, will award five categories as listed below:

  1. Best Agroecology Story published in print/online media: This will recognise the best-written article in print or online media focusing on agroecology and related topics. These are stories published in print media or online text media platforms.

  2. Best Agroecology Story published on TV: This will recognise outstanding stories published on TV and online video media platforms that effectively convey the critical aspects of agroecology.

  3. Best Agroecology Story published on Radio: Recognizing excellence in radio broadcasts or podcasts that educate, inform, or inspire listeners about agroecology and sustainable farming practices.

  4. Best Investigative Agroecology Story: This will recognise investigative reports that uncover issues related to agroecology. These stories could have been published in print/online, on TV or on radio. These stories should have provided an in-depth analysis of the given situation.

  5. Best Agroecology Communicator: This will award outstanding communicators, including social media influencers, bloggers and organisation communicators that push out agroecology-related information and inform the public about the benefits and importance of Agroecology in improving our health and environment.


How to Nominate


We call upon the public to nominate the best stories reported by journalists and communicators to be considered for these awards. The stories to be considered for this award should have been published between January 2023 to December 2023. Please note that the first edition of the Agroecology Media Awards target only Ugandan Journalists and foreign journalists covering stories in Uganda.


To nominate a story, please fill in this application form:


After the nomination, a team will review and present a list of nominees that will be forwarded to the next stage for voting. Each category will have only four nominees. The final list of nominees will be published in May 2024


Voting Period


Voting is now open and closes on 31st March 2024. The cumulative marking during the 1st edition of the Agroecology Media Awards will consist of two levels i.e. the public vote will contribute 50% while a select team of experts will assess the other 50%.


Award Ceremony and Prices


The awards winners will be announced and awarded in June 2024 in Kampala, Uganda. The winners for each category will get an award plaque and a media grant attached to his/her media work.


For more information


Please email for any queries or nomination issues. Learn more about the Agroecology School for Journalists and Communicators here:

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